With a background in reprographics artwork is the backbone of my business. I pride myself on creating perfect print ready artwork files, often receiving compliments on how well the files are set-up. With meticulous attention to detail and a desire for consistency, I am the trusted artworker for many designers. After many years working in a creative environment I am able to easily apply an initial design style across various other formats.
I am lucky enough to have worked at some amazing packaging agencies, with the best packaging designers in the business. I have worked in-house at Waitrose head-office producing artwork for every product range, so have vast experience with the various packaging forms available. I am adapt at setting up spot colour separations, and have an in-depth understanding of print production. With a love of the great outdoors and the environment, I am passionate about creating sustainable packaging, so have immersed myself in the subject over the last few years. My ideal project would be developing a sustainable packaging solution, where I can impart my learnings and help to reduce packaging waste.
Here are just a few of the many household packaging brands that I have worked on:
Andrex (Kimberley-Clark), Birds Eye, Cadbury, Campbell’s, Dairylea Dunkers, Danone, Domestos (Unilever), Duchy, Huggies (Kimberly-Clark), Imperial Leather (Cussons), Mars, Mr Kipling, Nestea (Coca-Cola), Old El Paso, Pedigree, Peroni Nastro Azzure, Persil (Henkel), Robertsons, Schwartz, SlimFast, Tetley, Tomy, Vanish, Walls and Whiskas.